

All Things New

I think we could all agree that we are getting tired of making New Years Resolutions that we never stick to... Every year around New Years facebook and twitter explode with people tweeting about how silly New Years Resolutions are because "you can change you ways any day of the year". Maybe you want to lose weight, or go to the gym everyday, or not drink as much, or laugh more, or learn how to do a something new, or study more, or say yes more often, or treat yourself to some "me" time. Maybe you have a list of things you want to put into action in the year 2012...

Whether you're one of those who don't believe in New Years Resolutions, or you're one that thrives off of them - consider these thoughts: Although it may be true that we can make adjustments to our lifestyles any day of the year, there is something about January 1 of a new year that paints the picture of a pure slate. 2012 is brand new. This year you can do whatever you want to do. You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. What are your dreams? What is your vision?

This year for Christmas, my mom got each one of us a notebook and on the inside she had written Habakkuk 2:2-3...

Then The Lord answered me and said, "Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it, may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it, for it will certainly come, it will not delay."

If you don't have a vision for your future or even for this year- ask the Lord for one. If you do... Write it down. The Lord has put dreams and passions and desire and a vision inside of you for an extraordinary purpose. You are here in this city, on this day for a purpose. No one else was created for the exact same reason you were. You are so important and you play a vital role in this place. Open your eyes, pick up your pen, and write down your vision. What do you want to do with your life? What do you feel the pull towards? What tugs on your heart?

 Write it so plainly that a runner that rushes by will be able to read it. Keep it in front of your eyes, so that you do not forget it. Do not let the enemey rob you of your vision. If you don't see the fruit of your vision instantly, wait earnestly upon God... He turned water into wine, divided the red sea in two, knocked down the walls of Jericho, healed countless people, set captives free. He can surely handle your dreams. In fact, He is the one who gave them to you.

 This is important people:

 Do not ever be afraid to dream big. There is no such thing has dreaming too big. Jesus himself says that we must become childlike in our faith to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Do you have an imagination? Use it!

 Maybe your vision of 2012 is choosing every single day to forgive that person who tore you apart, and turned your world upside down... maybe your vision is to work for the FBI. You are fully capable of pursuing those dreams, because the bible says that we are more than conquerers in Christ Jesus. In Him, all things were created, and through Him ALL things hold together.

My vision for 2012 is to speak life into women in whatever form or fashion that takes on. I live in a sorority house with 85 other girls, and on a campus with thousands of students and hundreds of professors. There is no way that I'm here by accident - I have a vision, and I'm going to keep it before me to remind myself why I'm here.

My vision for life is to go into the very jaws of hell and rescue the souls of the women trapped in the Red Light Disctricts around the world. I want them to know that they were created to dance in white dresses, and that they have a reason to sing. I want to tell them about Jesus and the way that He delights in them, and that He longs to hold them and sing over them. I want these women to know that Satan does not get to lie to them anymore. I want them to know the Truth. I want to show them how grace works, and play with their hair, and teach them how to sustain themselves by working in different ways. I want them to know that they were not created to be enslaved to lust and rage and bitterness and depression and hatred. I want them to experience redemption. This is what makes me come alive. I have no idea how long it will take me to get there, or how much money I'll have to raise, or who I will be going with... If I'll find myself a million miles away, or on the streets of Los Angeles; but I do know that when I keep the vision in front of my eyes, and I walk in the way of the Lord, he will take me to where I need to be... every single day.

What makes you come alive? 2012 is a new year - it doesn't matter what you've done in your past, or the heartbreak that you hold onto. This year is brand new, and you have the opportunity to do whatever you want. Ask God to show you His vision for your life... Make this year a masterpiece. Your very own picture that proclaims the goodness of God for the world to see. This is what you were created for.

Find your passion, and pursue it. The world needs people who have come alive.

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