

My Adventure Book.

Have you taken the time to sit down and think about the adventures you want to experience in your life? Ya know how the world seems to be getting smaller? It seems that within the past decade or so, we have become a whole lot more familiar with the world around us... There aren't many mysteries anymore. It seems that everything has been seen; discovered.

In the movie UP the little girl, Ellie, has a book called "My Adventure Book" - even more, she has a dream. Her book is a tangible illustration of what she wants her life to become... an idea of the things she dreams about experiencing. She doesn't want her life to be mediocre. She has big expectations.

A couple weeks ago I was at a women's conference at Journey Church and my heart was overwhelmed while I stood with hundreds of women in the presence of God. It was as if we were all living the way we were called to. As women, we have all experienced the chaos and drama that comes along with girl friends... and as I grow up, I learn more and more the importance of us women sticking together. I've said it before, we have to stick together. As I stood in that sanctuary with those women, I knew God was there in the room with us. We sang with one voice. When I heard the band play the chords of How He Loves my heart melted. How powerful for a room full of women to be claiming the truth that We are His portion, and He is our prize. Even though we all struggle with the things of the world - insecurity, heartbreak, self destruction, bitterness, regret... We were confessing, as a body, that when we thought about the way that God loves us, we could no longer contain those things.

We are loved beyond any measure we can fathom.

My heart keeps going back to a sermon I heard about a week ago about how unique each of us are. We talked about big names like Martin Luthar King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln... people who painted masterpieces with their lives. Courageous leaders who were bold enough to go into broken places. People who recognized their calling, even more their duty, and pursued it because not pursuing it would be too dangerous. People who knew their lives were temporary - and refused to let it go to waste.

I think we were all created to be artists. I think God longs for us to use what He has given us to paint something beautiful; something breath taking. I think he intended for it to be a whole world full of masterpieces. Different paintings, due to different ideas and creativity. I refuse to believe that he intended the world to be full of mass-produced 'color the number' paintings...

We were created to live in the brightest hughes

He delights in our beauty. He loves us more than we can fathom. He gifted us with unique creativity. He creates things for us to discover.

dream big. experience life. discover. be bold. paint a masterpiece. you have nothing to lose.

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