


Fifteen years ago, 1 in 288 teenager girls cut themselves.

Fifteen years ago, 0% of teenage boys cut themselves.

One of my good friends, Alison, moved to India this passed summer and is living there for the next year... She emailed me last week and asked me what she could be praying for me and I got to tell her what God had been doing in my life.

I grew up around boys. All the time. Before my Sophomore, junior and senior year my best friends were boys... I liked to believe that they made better friends; less drama. Growing up, if my dad and brother were doing one thing and my mom and sister were doing another, you'd usually find me with Craig and Luke. It's just the way I was.

My junior and senior year of highschool I developed a passion for connecting with young women, and walking through life together. I was constantly being reminded that us girls gotta stick together. We have to be for each other. It's the only way we'll make it out.

The Lord has been so faithful. I ask the Lord to place girls in my life that I need to meet. Girls I need to mentor me. Girls I need to invest in. Girls who will probably end up changing my life.. I'm in a new city at a huge university and I'm surrounded by girls everywhere I turn. I live on an all girls floor, and I'm constantly with girls from my sorority. I've gotten to meet so many girls who are in the same boat as I am... so many new friends to make and stories to hear.

I keep asking the Lord to show me who I am.

Who am I?

I am a daughter of the Most High King - a daughter.

I'm learning what that means. I'm learning what it means to really be a girl. I've lost a desire to be "one of the guys" - I want to be who God has created me to be. Girly, and pretty, and joyful, and classy, and lovable.

She is more precious than rubies, and she will greatly enrich his life. She is energetic, and strong, and hard working. She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. - Proverbs 31

I've been asking God to show me who I am... how to be His girl. His daughter. His wife, the church.

I am more precious than rubies, and I will greatly enrich his life. I will strive to be energetic and strong and hardworking. I will extend a hand to the poor and open my arms to the needy. I am clothed with strength and dignity, and I laugh without fear of the future. When I speak, my words are wise and I will give instructions with kindness.

Life is hard, and sometimes it's too hard to be who we are called to be. We are overcomers. We are not meant for this world. We were created for another one. The life after this... We are called to be IN this world, but not OF it.

Today, 1 in 5 teenage girls cut themselves.

Today, 1 in 7 teenage boys cut themselves.

Sometimes life interupts our plans... we get stuck in a moment that feels like it will last forever. We can't see past the darkness that we live in... we feel like hope is non existant.

Hope is real. We are overcomers. Remember the light - it is coming for you even when you cant see it. Your story matters. You were created to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Talk to someone. Your words are worth something. Your life is more precious than rubies.

Who are you? You are an overcomer.

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